The PCR swab test is a nasal and throat swab that detects the presence of Covid-19. The test is able to confirm whether an individual is actively infected with coronavirus. We recommend tests are taken within the first 5 days after symptoms first occur.
Advisa Medica is also a government approved Test to Release provider. This allows you to end arrival quarantine early.
Results are returned in 24 hours and the test costs £160.
The test we use is approved by Public Health England.
Test Specificity: 100%
Test Sensitivity: 98%
Results are reported in a PDF report form, that is widely accepted for travel for travel purposes.
What is a PCR swab test?
PCR tests are used to directly detect the presence of an antigen, rather than the presence of the body’s immune response, or antibodies. By detecting viral RNA, which will be present in the body before antibodies form or symptoms of the disease are present, the tests can tell whether or not someone has the virus very early on.
They aim to answer: do I carry coronavirus now?
How is the test carried out?
This requires taking a swab from the nose and throat and then analysing the specimen in the lab using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). You may see these tests referred to as PCR tests.
How/When will I receive my result?
You will receive your result via email. The results will be sent to you within 24 hours of the test being received by the lab.
What do I do if my result is positive?
If your PCR test comes back as positive, you must immediately self-isolate to prevent spreading the virus to others. Follow the government guidance found here - https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus. If you have any health conditions, please contact NHS 111 – they will provide advice and next steps.
What do I do if my result is negative?
A negative result means the test did not find coronavirus.
You do not need to self-isolate if your test is negative, as long as:
everyone you live with who has symptoms tests negative
everyone in your support bubble who has symptoms tests negative
you feel well – if you feel unwell, stay at home until you’re feeling better
If you have diarrhoea or you’re being sick, stay at home until 48 hours after they've stopped.
Should I also take an antibody test?
The Antibody test is a blood test that identifies the body's response to coronavirus after the onset of infection, so you should choose this test if you wish to check if you have been previously infected.
Our recommendation is to use both the COVID-19 Antibody and PCR COVID-19 clinical testing service. This is the only way to be certain that you have developed an immune response and that the Covid-19 virus has left your body.
You can take an antibody test from 14 days after the onset of your symptoms.
Can I come to your clinic ?
Yes. All tests are carried out on site.
Important Notice
We strongly advise prior to have the PCR test:
Nothing can go in the mouth for at least 2 hours prior to testing, this includes: food, drinks, cigarettes, chewing gum, etc.
Nothing can go in the nose for at least 24 hours prior to testing, this includes: nasal medication, saline, hay fever sprays, cotton buds, etc.
Mouthwash not to be used for 24 hours
All of the above can inhibit the sample and may mean you need to be retested or may not enable a conclusive result to be delivered.